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Equity and UDL

Universal Design is a method of improving the success of teaching and reaching all students, regardless of learning abilities, by offering more than one method for students to access the material. According to Andrew Trotter, "the term ‘digital divide’ generally refers to the disconnect that occurs between those with access to technology and those without, while recognizing the myriad factors that can have an impact on that inequity" (Education Week, Digital Divide 2.0). I can effectively integrate Universal Design, and help bridge the Digital Divide in my classroom, by using project-based learning, providing access to computer labs after school for students who may not have access at home, and presenting material in more than one format. For example, providing visual representations along with audio cues can help memory retention as well as capturing the attention of students. Universal Design can also be integrated by presenting assessments in multiple formats, such as allowing a student to verbally respond to a test or submit a recording of their essay response. 

By being aware of the digital divide, I can help students who fall on the side of the divide that is lacking in access to technology. I can provide access to tablets or computers in class, when possible. As well, I can be sure to not create assignments that are biased against those without access to technology at home. I can also use class time to teach digital skills that not all students might have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom. In addition to this, Universal Design can help all students by providing better memory retention, a variety of ways to motivate students, and can prevent drawing attention to those students who might have greater needs than others by providing solutions that can benefit all students. I plan to look for opportunities to provide multiple formats for my students to submit or present information to me. It is my goal to keep the learning styles of my students on my mind as I prepare assessments and lessons for class, and not solely focus on what I am preparing. Students can become empowered learners when they are set up for and begin to recognize moments of success. By decreasing the digital divide in my own classroom and using Universal Design, it will be easier to create these moments that can empower students. 
